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Insulated Roller Shutters


 The industrial door specialist


TEL: 0161 945 9828 24 HRS

Insulated Roller shutters  High speed roller shutters

Our Insulated Roller Shutters are manufactured in the UK by our specialist manufacturer and have a world wide reputation for quality and unrivalled design capability. Insulated shutters are purposely designed to meet the highest standard of requirements in the UK & overseas.

These shutters offer greater protection against extreme weather conditions and high winds. The insulated Roller curtain incorporates insulating thermal foam infill which conserves heat and helps to absorb noise.

Insulated Roller Shutters have major advantages over traditional roller shutters and are extremely popular due to their reliability and ability to withstand high use, insulation from noise and draughts and the ability to withstand high winds.

High Speed insulated roller Doors

Eurospeed is the most economical solution for frequently used building access, combining security with speed in one construction. The safedrive drive system from Guthrie Douglas and its smooth operation make these automatic roller shutters ideal in a range of industrial and commercial applications.